Sand and Stars

My recent posts… Kol Tefila Jan 24, 2024My recent posts...Kol Tefila Sometimes, the voice of prayer, kol tefila, has no words.  Shabbat shalom! שבת שלום Names Jan 5, 2024My recent posts...Names Remembering to express appreciation ... and give credit where it's...

Preparing for Shabbat

My recent posts… Kol Tefila Jan 24, 2024My recent posts...Kol Tefila Sometimes, the voice of prayer, kol tefila, has no words.  Shabbat shalom! שבת שלום Names Jan 5, 2024My recent posts...Names Remembering to express appreciation ... and give credit where it's...

My High Holiday Sermons – 5784

My recent posts… Yom Kippur Learning Oct 7, 2024My recent posts...Over the decades, I have composed melodies for some of the texts we use in our prayer services. (I've written English interpretations of the texts for a few of them.) Some of them are posted here...

Transition / Hoshana Rabba

My recent posts… Kol Tefila Jan 24, 2024My recent posts...Kol Tefila Sometimes, the voice of prayer, kol tefila, has no words.  Shabbat shalom! שבת שלום Names Jan 5, 2024My recent posts...Names Remembering to express appreciation ... and give credit where it's...

Sukka: A Personal History

My recent posts… Kol Tefila Jan 24, 2024My recent posts...Kol Tefila Sometimes, the voice of prayer, kol tefila, has no words.  Shabbat shalom! שבת שלום Names Jan 5, 2024My recent posts...Names Remembering to express appreciation ... and give credit where it's...

Why So Much White?

My recent posts… Miracles Dec 11, 2023My recent posts...Miracles Inspired by small flames and large miracles: let's make our own.  Shabbat shalom! שבת שלום Trauma and Recovery Dec 4, 2023The eerie juxtaposition of Torah and our times. Dina, daughter of Yaakov,...