August 2023

August 2023 The American Goldfinch makes identification easy, even for non-birders (yours truly included). The small bird is a bright chartreuse yellow, with black yellow-edged feathers — beautiful. I first encountered the goldfinch when one or more made a habit of...
July 2023

July 2023

July 2023 (Somehow, I missed the month of Sivan. So here’s a double-header for Sivan and Tammuz!) We have brachot/blessings for different kinds of foods: those that come from trees, from the ground (as in vegetables), liquids, dairy, eggs and meats, bread and baked...
July 2023

June 2023

June 2023 Judaism provides a bracha/blessing for nearly every circumstance, from eating to studying Torah, from appreciating nature to using a toilet. Last time (now two months ago) we considered what to say when we hear of a death (“baruch dayyan ha’emet”). What do...
July 2023

April 2023

April 2023 Judaism provides a bracha/blessing for nearly every circumstance, from eating to studying Torah, from appreciating nature to using a toilet. We know to say “mazal tov!” when we hear good news, such as an engagement, new baby, work promotion....

Blessing of the Month

June 2023 Jun 12, 2023Judaism provides a bracha/blessing for nearly every circumstance, from eating to studying Torah, from appreciating nature to using a toilet. Last time (now two months ago) we considered what to say when we hear of a death (“baruch dayyan...

March 2023

March 2023 The Pesach seder is intensely hands-on: breaking matza, lifting kiddush cups and seder plate, juggling a haggada with the dishes, utensils, and other parts of the place setting, stealing the afikoman… Another hands-on feature of the seder is hand-washing,...