A New Tune for Shabbat Shira

My recent posts… Outrage. Sorrow. Resolve. Feb 24, 2025My recent posts...outrage sorrow resolve let not the desire for deserved retribution the justified outrage over evil and lies overwhelm our deep sorrow and our deeper resolve for our resolve deepened and...

International Holocaust Rememberance Day

My recent posts… Outrage. Sorrow. Resolve. Feb 24, 2025My recent posts...outrage sorrow resolve let not the desire for deserved retribution the justified outrage over evil and lies overwhelm our deep sorrow and our deeper resolve for our resolve deepened and...

Two Minutes of Torah

My recent posts… Next Israel Trip Jun 22, 2024My recent posts...Clockwise from top left: early Kabbalat Shabbat service near the Prime Minister's residence in Jerusalem; Cultural life continues; 24-hour hostages "reminder" near the Knesset; Saturday night...

In Harmony

My recent posts… Realizing Potential Jun 19, 2023My recent posts...On the occasion of conferring a Hebrew name upon Sophie Bella Toll, Shabbat shelach lecha 5783. Realizing Potential Twelve spies are sent out by Moshe to reconnoiter the promised land of Canaan....