My recent posts…

Outrage. Sorrow. Resolve.

My recent posts...outrage sorrow resolve let not the desire for deserved retribution the justified outrage over evil and lies overwhelm our deep sorrow and our deeper resolve for our resolve deepened and hardened by our sorrow is stronger than lies and evil...

Release, Return

My recent posts...Release. Return. מִמַּעֲמַקִּים קְרָאתִיךָ יי (mima’amakim k'raticha adonai) From the depths, from the depths of our souls, Adonai, we call to You: we pray for healing the minds and hearts of those newly released from sadistic confinement. we pray...

Too Late So Early

My recent posts...I Sang "Damn" in Church On Monday night, I sang the word “damn” in Asbury United Methodist Church in Atlantic City. The annual community Thanksgiving interfaith service, postponed a week due to a power outage in Atlantic City, was attended by seven...

Parshat Lech-Lecha 5785

We make assumptions about others based on what we see: what they wear, what they drive, their work, past-times… And we project upon the other who passes our superficial entrance exam what we want them to be — i.e., more like us!

In Harmony

Jun 30, 2023 | Uncategorized

On the occasion of the installation of Joe Handler as the new president of Shirat Hayam, 26 June 2023, 8 Tammuz 5783.

In Harmony

In some 54 of the 150 hymns in our biblical book of Psalms, the prefatory lines include the word “מְנַצֵחַ / m’natzeiach,” the conductor, the leader of the band. Music was a vital part of worship and ceremony in the ancient temple in Jerusalem: הַלְלוּהוּ בְּתֵקַע שׁוֹפָר / halleluhu b’teika shofar — praise Adonai with trumpet, harp and lyre, with drum, flute, strings and cymbals!

A conductor, a leader, guides the musicians and works to shape them into a willing and purposeful ensemble. The musicians must aid and abet those efforts with their harmonious responses to the conductor. The best ensembles, large or small, share trust and understanding between leader and members.

The Hebrew word for conductor, מְנַצֵחַ | m’natzeiach, also means victor or winner. When we all play our parts with conviction, energy and sensitivity, our new conductor can lead this Shirat Hayam orchestra to resonate and resound, winning over hearts, starting with our own.

Let’s make beautiful music together!

Shabbat shalom ! שבת שלום