GALEEM: Making Waves at Shirat Hayam!
Galeem, Shirat Hayam’s cutting-edge Hebrew School, offers a fresh and creative approach to Jewish learning. The school’s innovative curriculum is relevant to real life, and is spiritual and enjoyable.
The teachers are caring and knowledgeable. To meet the needs of Millennials and their families, Galeem introduces a modern view of Judaism, with flexible times, convenient locations and learning options. The newly merged Shirat Hayam allows the opportunity for parents to choose a special-needs program, as well as Conservative or Reform education options.
Pre-school through First Grade
The pre-school through first-grade Sunday program concentrates on hands-on learning for holidays, Shabbat and Israel. The curriculum incorporates customs, rituals, as well as Hebrew and cultural aspects of Jewish life.
Second Grade through Sixth Grade
Learning to read Hebrew begins in 2nd grade, and continues through 6th grade. Using the prayer book as the main text has been proven to inspire students. As a result, they have excelled in their Bar and Bat Mitzvah preparation, and they have developed a genuine love for Judaism. The hands-on curriculum allows students to explore their Jewish roots by learning about customs, holidays and Israel. Students participate in monthly community service projects
Seventh Grade
In 7th grade we concentrate on the community, life skills and living a Jewish life beyond Bar and Bat Mitzvah. Our Bar and Bat Mitzvahs are inclusive, and our children continue – after their Bar and Bat Mitzvah – to attend services.
And more…
Additional features of this new school are
Tuition is low
Synagogue membership is not required until 4th grade.
The primary goal of our awesome new Hebrew school is to know that every child will feel proud to be a Jew.
If you are totally intrigued, Call Shirat Hayam’s main office (609) 822-7116 Ext. 101 or email office.manager@shirathayamnj.