Outrage. Sorrow. Resolve.
My recent posts...outrage sorrow resolve let not the desire for deserved retribution the justified outrage over evil and lies overwhelm our deep sorrow and our deeper resolve for our resolve deepened and hardened by our sorrow is stronger than lies and evil...
Release, Return
My recent posts...Release. Return. מִמַּעֲמַקִּים קְרָאתִיךָ יי (mima’amakim k'raticha adonai) From the depths, from the depths of our souls, Adonai, we call to You: we pray for healing the minds and hearts of those newly released from sadistic confinement. we pray...
Too Late So Early
My recent posts...I Sang "Damn" in Church On Monday night, I sang the word “damn” in Asbury United Methodist Church in Atlantic City. The annual community Thanksgiving interfaith service, postponed a week due to a power outage in Atlantic City, was attended by seven...
Parshat Lech-Lecha 5785
We make assumptions about others based on what we see: what they wear, what they drive, their work, past-times… And we project upon the other who passes our superficial entrance exam what we want them to be — i.e., more like us!
Of Vision and Light
“In God We Trust” we write on our money, encouraging ourselves to elevate our vision from loving the stuff of our lives to living the meaning of our loves.
Adonai, elohey haruchot l’chol bassar / Adonai, Source of the animating spirit in all creatures, breathe Your most generous inspiration into the leaders of our nation. Welcome into the shelter of Your peace those with constrained views of justice along with those who have broad visions of freedom and right.
Holy One of Blessing, preserve the strength and impart victory to those who defend us and our values; give stamina to the volunteers who do what otherwise would not be done; grant us all appreciation for the diversity of our citizenry — our vast range of experience, belief and culture that can expand our horizons and enrich our lives.
These days, Lord, we are hurting … hurting one another; hurting the most vulnerable among us; hurting Your earth; hurting our chances for a brighter future. Help us replace enmity with empathy, jealousy with generosity, castigation with compassion, hate with harmony.
Dear God in heaven beyond and here, by our sides, on earth: Remove the blinders from the eyes of our elected officials, and from ours. Shine Your light upon us as we work together to realize a vision of common wealth, of common sense, of the common purpose of “E Pluribus Unum,” from many, one.
We pledge allegiance to this singular nation united in embracing the many peoples who share this blessed land and its challenged history.
Keyn yehi ratzon, may Your will become ours as we pursue justice, act with mercy, and walk humbly before You, leading one another to a life of peace.