On The Road
One Week of Jewish Connections
With Cantor Jacqueline Menaker
Reform Sprirtual Leader
Shirat Hayam
After four and a half years of daily rabbinical school classes, one of the new found joys after completing my academic coursework has been the ability to represent Shirat Hayam in a variety of different settings. Earlier this year, travels to three different states during one week in January reminded me how deeply we can still be connected, even after years of physical distance from one another.
Tuesday – New York, NY
Rabbi Geller and I “hit the road” the day before to attend the post-sheloshim event that was held at Hebrew Union College- Jewish Institute of Religion in honor and memory of the “scholar and mensch” Rabbi Dr. David Ellenson, z”l, former chancellor and president of the college institute.
A true visionary, Rabbi Ellenson, “integrated and demonstrated academic erudition, tactful leadership, and interpersonal care, embodying a vision of both Reform Judaism and Jewish pluralism. Perhaps the only scholar to have earned honorary degrees from HUC-JIR, JTS, and Yeshiva University.”
Paying homage to this great man in company with leaders from all over the Jewish world, we also had the opportunity to share a few moments with Ventnor born, former Beth Judah congregant Dr. Andrew Rehfeld, President of HUC-JIR.
The highlight of this road trip was sharing my favorite coffee shop (Caffe Reggio) and cappuccino with Rabbi Geller along with the much valued personal time with our beloved Emeritus rabbi.
Thursday – Margate and Boca Raton, FL
I caught the last flight out of Atlantic City on Wednesday evening and flew to Ft. Lauderdale, FL. My stepmom, Sharon opened up her home on the wee hours so I could crash at her condo in Margate (south, that is!). It had been six months since my dad passed away, and the first time I had returned to their home. The prayer book, Mishkan Tefilah, was still on the dining room table, as it always was when my dad logged into Friday night services at Shirat Hayam.
Sharon was particularly excited to join everyone at Ben’s Deli in Boca for the “Florida Reunion”, a tradition to which she was relatively new, but to our Shirat Hayam community, deeply embedded in synagogue tradition.
I was particularly moved by the depth of connection between long time, newer, former, and prospective members, many of whom spend much of their time in different parts of the country.
Sunday – Philadelphia, PA
Following a vibrant morning with our students at Galeem, Mitch and I headed off to Philly and the historic congregation Rodeph Shalom on Broad Street. It had been almost ten years since my last concert in the hallowed sanctuary and I was excited to be able to join friends and colleagues again after such a long time apart.
Cantors from Philadelphia and South Jersey came together to present a Benefit Concert for Israel.
The glorious sound and deep hearted passion of the cantors’ ensemble banished the dreary weather outside the synagogue that afternoon.
Connections abounded. I realized that one of my colleagues who was present had recently taught Mussar (Jewish ethical practice) to an active member of our congregation, who was also in attendance! All three of us were together, sharing this special Jewish moment in person.
As we look toward the future, I hope that the moments of each of our lives can be enhanced by the Jewish connections we continue to make l’dor vador , from generation to generation.
Cantor Jacqueline Menaker
Reform Spiritual Leader
Shirat Hayam