Moving Forward

After Tuesday’s election, half our country’s voters seem to be ecstatic and half appear to be morose, even angry. That would likely be the case no matter which major party candidate won.

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Walking With God

As Torah tells it, the earliest humans’ years of life ranged from 365 (Enoch / Chanoch) to 969 (Methuselah / Metushelach). Enoch presents a challenge: He “walked with God” for 300 years and “all” his days were 365 years; at that point, he again “walked with God.” Was walking with God an early expression of belief or worship? Did he die?

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Bereishit 5779

My recent posts...What a Story! Simchat Torah morning, after hakafot (a couple of which were done with our preschoolers carrying toy Torahs and flags, clutching lollipops) and Torah reading, the scrolls returned to the ark… “Thank you to the Shirat Hayam Literary...

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