Of Vision and Light
In preparation for the 4th of July, I checked my “prayers for country” folder.
Next Israel Trip
My recent posts...Clockwise from top left: early Kabbalat Shabbat service near the Prime Minister's residence in Jerusalem; Cultural life continues; 24-hour hostages "reminder" near the Knesset; Saturday night hostages rally in Jerusalem. Back from Israel, ready to...
My recent posts...Today is Yom Ha'atzma'ut, Israel's Independence Day. Ellie and I will soon leave for Israel. This will be our first trip since shortly before The Lockdown, when the world seemed to stand still for a few moments. Nearly nothing in our world now feels...
Omer 5784
My recent posts...
Preparing for Pesach
My recent posts...Preparing for Pesach Looking forward to shining moments! Shabbat shalom! שבת שלום
Ears? Pockets? Hats?
My recent posts...How would you vote? Shabbat shalom! שבת שלום Purim sameiach!
Siddur Sessions 4 & 5
With barchu, we are summoned, and we respond “yes!” The word barchu has the same root as baruch, i.e., berech, meaning “knee.” Hence, the leader draws attention by bowing on “barchu” and we respond by bowing on the “baruch” of our response.
This Week in Torah 3/9/2024
My recent posts...This Week in Torah! Shabbat shalom! שבת שלום
This Week in Torah
My recent posts...This Week in Torah! Shabbat shalom! שבת שלום
Purim Katan
My recent posts...Purim katan — little Purim? PARTY!!! Well, party. click here. Shabbat shalom! שבת שלום
Siddur Session 3
My recent posts...SIDDUR SESSIONS Third Session (Feb 15) After the preliminary warm-ups of the morning service, “baruch she’amar,” the opening prayer of the next section, pesukei d’zimra, verses of song, tells of God creating the universe by speaking. Speaking!...
Siddur Session 2
My recent posts...SIDDUR SESSIONS Second Session (Feb 8) Last week, we reviewed reasons for praying; this week, reasons for not praying: I’m not sure God listens; I don’t know the Hebrew; the prayers don’t speak to me, they aren’t modern…. Well, maybe God hears all,...