My recent posts...Dear Friends, (Nov 2 / 2:24 a.m.) Those of us who support Israel are wasting our breath by declaring — however correctly — that there never was a modern historical state called “Palestine” until Britain, France and Italy carved up the Middle East...
Sand and Stars
My recent posts...Sand and Stars Yesterday, 18 Cheshvan, was the yahrzeit of the massacre at the Tree of Life synagogue in Pittsburgh. It has been five years; the Gregorian calendar anniversary is October 27. Until October 7, this attack was at the top of our list of...
Preparing for Shabbat
My recent posts...Preparing for Shabbat It took several tries this morning before we connected with Hannah in Tzfat. She’s been busy, she said, and has a meeting in a few minutes. From our first-born’s first Shabbat at home, we have been blessing our children every...
My High Holiday Sermons – 5784
My recent posts...The links below are to my High Holiday sermons. Telescope - Rosh Hashanah 5784 (1) The Promise in this Day - Rosh Hashanah 5784 (2) Yom Kippur - Kol Nidrei Is Anything Ok? - Yom Kippur - Yizkor
Transition / Hoshana Rabba
My recent posts...
Sukka: A Personal History
My parents’ sukka was nearly indestructible: Plywood panels, 4’x8’, on 2×4 frames, making an eight-by-twelve-foot sukka. The panels, constructed by my father, bolted together. The middle panel of the long wall had a small window, complete with a rod and curtain.
Why So Much White?
My recent posts...See the video below the image
Shanah Tova Productions
My recent posts...
Where is Torah? (A Video Message from Rabbi Kremer)
My recent posts...Where is Torah? Hint: It's not far across the sea... Shabbat shalom ! שבת שלום
Four Winters
Ellie and I were going to celebrate our anniversary on August 24 by rolling up the rug, lighting a few candles, programming some music, and dancing in the living room. When a friend offered tickets for a special event, we decided to postpone the celebration.
Renewing Relationship
My mahzor (pronounced mach-zor) for Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur services has had a good rest. Now, after more than ten months, I get to renew a relationship with this old friend.
Realizing Potential
My recent posts...On the occasion of conferring a Hebrew name upon Sophie Bella Toll, Shabbat shelach lecha 5783. Realizing Potential Twelve spies are sent out by Moshe to reconnoiter the promised land of Canaan. They return, and ten of them report: The land is...