Shaking It
Along with telling us to dwell in a sukkah for a week, Torah instructs us to celebrate Sukkot by holding together the “fruit of a glorious tree,” a palm frond, a bough of a “leafy tree,” and willow twigs. As with the lack of detail about the sukkah, there is no mention of shaking, waving, parading — all things we do with those planty things.
YK yizkor 5783
My recent posts...Blessings, brachot. We have LOTS of blessings in our Jewish lives! There’s a bracha for nearly everything. ritual: leisheiv basukka, for sitting in the sukkah eating: shehakol nihye bidvaro, for foods that don’t fit the categories of vegetable, fruit,...
Choice and Purpose | Kol Nidrei 5783
My recent posts...Jew by choice. Jew on purpose. Jew with purpose In America, writes Rabbi Lee Buckman, we are Jews by consent, not descent. We choose: No one forces us to be or remain a Jew. Buckman continues, The greatest challenge we face as Jews is to be tammim,...
Sell By, Best By
My recent posts... Sell by. Best by. | Rosh Hashana 2 5783 | Rabbi Jonathan Kremer Since the summer of 2020, Ellie and I have been volunteering at the Community Food Bank in Egg Harbor Township. The pandemic made us consider those in need, and we felt the need to...
Hundreds of Times
Last week, I found something new in an ancient psalm.
Planting Seeds at Camp
Ah, memories of summer camp! From being one of the youngest campers (my parents liked to travel unencumbered) to being a counselor for brash-mouthed nine-year-olds, I loved Camp Ram
Too Late So Early
My recent posts...Too Late So Early | 6 July 2022 a song of our times: Gets too late so damn early these days. We’re slogging through thick purple haze that obscures and confuses, everyone loses. Gets too late so damn early these days. Gets too late so damn early...
Torah Humor
The episode of Bilaam and his talking donkey is considered one of the more humorous tales in Tanach, our Hebrew bible. (The scroll of Esther is also in the top ten.)
Sanctity of the Camp
My recent posts...Sanctity of the Camp This week’s Torah portion, Naso, includes an injunction to send those who are ritually impure “out of the contamination range” (Etz Hayim) of the mishkan, the portable sanctuary at the center of the Israelite’s encampment. The...
My recent posts...Letters… To the Editor: …about assault weapons, have I been missing something? Such as accounts of civilians bearing AK-47s who thwarted criminal activity, prevented home invasions, chased away drug dealers, and the like. For mass murderers,...
My recent posts...(Prologue to a program held in our sanctuary, during which a nun and a cantor spoke about their experiences with Ukrainian refugees in, respectively, Poland and Barcelona.) There is a war raging, a war that is irrational in its origins, devastating...
Overcoming Fear
Nowadays, the stench of fear is particularly pungent, and it can be paralyzing: Ukraine with the seemingly deliberate killing of civilians and the prospect of more heinous actions, homegrown terror of gun violence, Israel grappling with politically or religiously motivated murders, inflation, world-wide food crises, Covid, and so much more.