Where Are All The Ballroom Balls?
My recent posts...THE PURIM PRESS “You know, the ball room was big for us at IKEA,” said Sven Kasgaard, a retired welcome officer at IKEA in Long-port, New Jersey. “Parents would drop their kids in the ball room and shop. The longer they were in the store the more...
Dark Cloud
In 1976, I went on a mission to contact refuseniks in the Soviet Union. One stop was Kiev (Kyiv) where I visited Babi (Babyn) Yar, an unexceptional site — should I have expected otherwise? — where some 34,000 Jews were shot to death in two days just before Yom Kippur in 1941.
Natural Habitat | Home
Tickles and giggles and snuggles and wiggles. Noise and ‘tude, depending on the mood. Games and books, imagination, frustration. Parents, plans, hopes and dreams.
Away | Not Away
It’s good to be away. It’s hard to be away.
Here we sit, sharpened #2 pencils at hand, ready, thinking, “How will we know if we pass the test?”Then the proctor announces, “This is a timed test. Once you begin, you are to complete it in one lifetime.”
Dr. King’s Battles
Dr King’s battles — America’s battles — remain to be won.
Darkness and Light
We’ve been living two years, so far, of relative darkness. Two years of distance from family or friends. Two years of being or feeling housebound, unwilling or unable to budge from our places.
Power and Responsibility
Everything we do has consequences; let’s choose to do what’s right. We can believe that Adonai is indeed on our side, but we must do our part. As we are taught in the Talmud, we can’t rely on miracles.
Loss and Light
My recent posts...“Jewish Pastoral Care,” edited by Rabbi Dayle Friedman, is an anthology of essays on a broad range of issues of pastoral care from a Jewish perspective. In the book, Rabbi Stephen Roberts, a founder of Disaster Chaplaincy Services, Inc., writes about...
For The Miracles
Hanukka is all about the miracles: Jews’ victory over the many forces of Hellenism, reclaiming and rededicating the Temple, the oil.
Some Writes ago, a few months into Covid conditions, I shared that I’d started jogging (not-yet-running). My excursions often take place in the early morning hours, any time between about 2:30 and 5:30. Out for 20 minutes or so, a quick shower and back to bed for some astonishingly deep enriching sleep before getting up in time for 7:30 morning minyan on Zoom.
Blessed Day
The other week, twice within the space of an hour, I was gifted these parting words: “Have a blessed day.” One came from a part-time deacon working at the community food bank, the other from a person pumping gas at Sunoco.