Mother’s Day the Jewish Way

I remember my grandmother, Rita Bernstein z”l, writing out the Yiddish for me in order to sing this song to her when I was a teenager (many years ago). It became part of the “repertoire” over time and was often requested at family gatherings, life cycle and community events.

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Do Not Be Afraid of the Journey

Many years ago I attended a retreat for clergy led by the Renewal Rabbi and Hebrew chant specialist Shefa Gold. I was uncertain about the program which was outside my comfort level as a Reform cantor

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Beyond the Binary in Parashat Naso: Coping During Traumatic Times

Anyone following the current news cycle would be forgiven for feeling helpless, impotent, anxious and/or depressed as they sipped their morning coffee. The uptick in gun violence throughout the United States blazes across our devices non-stop, revealing scenes of horror so shocking, that the images could be described as “biblical.”

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The message of the final Torah portion in the book of Leviticus, bechukotai, is one of hope. It may be Difficult to see this at first, because as the litany of punishments for disobedience to the Divine far outweighs the rewards for following the right path - or...

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Heeding the call to serve the community

About 14 years ago, almost immediately after I had become invested as a cantor by Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion Debbie Friedman School of Sacred Music, I received a call from then-president of the American Conference of Cantors (ACC), asking me if I would be willing to serve the Conference and represent on the Outreach and Membership commission of the Union of American Hebrew Congregations (UAHC), now known as the Union for Reform Judaism (URJ).

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Preparing for the High Holidays

Cantor Jacqueline Menaker, Reform Spiritual Leader of Shirat Hayam, Ventnor, NJ and Dave Gross, renowned Pianist, Conductor, and Arranger prepare for the upcoming High Holy Days 5782.

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B’chol Dor Vador

In honor of all the women who have nurtured, loved, and inspired us on this Mother’s Day May 9, 2021

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