Outrage. Sorrow. Resolve.
My recent posts...outrage sorrow resolve let not the desire for deserved retribution the justified outrage over evil and lies overwhelm our deep sorrow and our deeper resolve for our resolve deepened and hardened by our sorrow is stronger than lies and evil...
Release, Return
My recent posts...Release. Return. מִמַּעֲמַקִּים קְרָאתִיךָ יי (mima’amakim k'raticha adonai) From the depths, from the depths of our souls, Adonai, we call to You: we pray for healing the minds and hearts of those newly released from sadistic confinement. we pray...
Too Late So Early
My recent posts...I Sang "Damn" in Church On Monday night, I sang the word “damn” in Asbury United Methodist Church in Atlantic City. The annual community Thanksgiving interfaith service, postponed a week due to a power outage in Atlantic City, was attended by seven...
Parshat Lech-Lecha 5785
We make assumptions about others based on what we see: what they wear, what they drive, their work, past-times… And we project upon the other who passes our superficial entrance exam what we want them to be — i.e., more like us!
There is a war raging, a war that is irrational in its origins, devastating in its damage, indiscriminate in its targets. Our national response is to send thoughts and prayers.
We, in this sacred space of thoughts and prayers, understand the need for that kind of response. I believe it is a reflexive response from the depths of our feeling helpless. Thoughts and prayers cannot not absolve us of our responsibilities to demand safety for our children, for our selves. In not making those demands, in not demanding tangible solutions, are we all culpable? May God have mercy.
There is a war raging, a war that is irrational in its origins, devastating in its damage, indiscriminate in its targets. Our national response is to send weapons, munitions, materiel.
We, here in a country generally free from invasion by sovereign powers, have few qualms — indeed, we encourage our government to spend our money on more military aid to Ukraine.
In my view, Putin is acting irrationally. His onslaught is devastating civilians and non-military targets without regard for any convention. Neighboring countries, as we will hear, have responding generously to those seeking safety in their midst.
I hope that the generosity will last. We are three months in; how long before guests become visitors become residents become resented?
Our bible teaches us to care for the stranger, for we were strangers — the other — enslaved in Egypt. There is no time limit on that commandment.
We must support our government assisting in the military effort.
We must support those who are doing the heavy lifting of caring for Ukrainian refugees.
As for Uvalde, Texas, and Buffalo, and Las Vegas, and Blacksburg, and Sandy Hook, and Columbine, and… we must remember that thoughts and prayers are important, but they are not a solution.