Unmute Yourself
It has been seven years since I prayed at the Kotel (Western Wall) on Rosh Chodesh with Anat Hoffman, the Executive Director Israel Religious Action Center and director and founding member of Nashot HaKotel (Women of the Wall). Along with women of the Israel mission from the American Conference of Cantors (and the men who supported us on the other side of the barrier) with whom I was traveling, we prayed and raised our voices with joy, Loudly our presence called for equity and plurality in Jewish religious life in Israel. Sadly, this fight is far from over.
Photo credit Anat Hoffman
On Rosh Chodesh Adar -the first day of the Jewish month of Adar 5781, just a few weeks ago, this post appeared on The Women of the Wall Facebook page,
“At the Kotel this morning, a yeshiva student threw his hot coffee onto Anat Hoffman, getting her wet and ruining her tallit. While we know that Adar is the month of joy, we are finding it hard to remain happy with the lack of protection or action from police. Just like Esther did not remain silent, neither will we. “Unmute Yourself!” ”
On the same day I learned of this vitriolic, hate-infused act, I read a chilling D’var Torah from Rabbi Josh Weinberg, VP of the Union for Reform Judaism for Israel and Reform Zionism and the Executive Director of ARZA, the Association of Reform Zionists in America. He warned,
“The fourth Israeli election in two years will take place in 6 short weeks. (Now three weeks away). Last week the newly dubbed (ציונות הדתית) Religious Zionism party and extremist Otzma Yehudit (“Jewish Power”) party announced that they had signed a merger agreement to run jointly in the upcoming election. What’s more, the merger and newly formed alliance will also include the Noam party which sits just to the political right of the racist Kahanist Otzma Yehudit party. This merged party claims that it is “true” to Torah. So they must know that in this week’s Parashat Mishpatim, Torah directly formulates the foundation of a just society. … “And these are the judicial rules that you shall set before them.” (Exodus 21:1) Yet, even as we read the directives and instruction given in the Torah this week, we hear those who claim to speak in the name of Torah promulgate the exact opposite of fundamental Torah values.”
As Reform and Conservative American Jews, we must heed these warnings, listen closely, and act accordingly. To find out more about the “Unmute Yourself” campaign of Women of the Wall and how you can impact change and join the fight for Religious pluralism and equality in Israel reach out to me and/or contact Women of the Wall.
In solidarity, in peace,
Cantor Jacqueline Menaker
Shirat Hayam Reform Spiritual Leader
Photo credit Cantor Jaqueline Menaker