When Words Fail
And yet from the very first, here at Shirat Hayam we pivoted from a “wildly joyous” Simchat Torah celebration to an observance that became more restrained and Israel focused. We moved forward. On Monday October 11 I spoke on behalf of the Jewish community at the Faith and Blue event at the Atlantic City Public Safety Department. It was heartening to hear public words of support for Israel and the Jewish community from the Police Department leadership and several faith leaders including those from the Muslim and Hispanic communities. One member even draped herself in an Israeli flag to show solidarity. As the week has progressed, through pain and tears we have become deeply aware that the heart warming renditions of Oseh Shalom sung by communities around the globe including Tokyo and London, and the illumination of blue and white throughout cities including Berlin and Rome. But, alarmingly, public condemnation of the Hamas terror and unequivocal support of Israel by world leaders and non-Jewish celebrities has not been universal.
In other spaces where we would expect condemnation of Hamas and those that support its malignant terrorist horror, we are beginning to hear different voices. On college campuses around the country and on social media especially we must remain vigilant and redirect the false narrative that is being shared. A pogrom is not resistance and Hamas terrorists are not freedom fighters.
How we, as a loving Jewish community, show our strength is by teaching where there is ignorance and loving where there is hate. I hope that the following articles, images, musical selections and resources help to lift you,up, so that you might shine your light brightly on those who so desperately need our compassion and support.
Am Yisrael Chai!