The Holidays Are Coming

My recent posts… For The Miracles Dec 2, 2021Hanukka is all about the miracles: Jews’ victory over the many forces of Hellenism, reclaiming and rededicating the Temple, the oil. Hunting Nov 29, 2021Some Writes ago, a few months into Covid conditions, I shared...

Hearing Eicha / Lamentations

My recent posts… For The Miracles Dec 2, 2021Hanukka is all about the miracles: Jews’ victory over the many forces of Hellenism, reclaiming and rededicating the Temple, the oil. Hunting Nov 29, 2021Some Writes ago, a few months into Covid conditions, I shared...

Bayside Bash

My recent posts… For The Miracles Dec 2, 2021Hanukka is all about the miracles: Jews’ victory over the many forces of Hellenism, reclaiming and rededicating the Temple, the oil. Hunting Nov 29, 2021Some Writes ago, a few months into Covid conditions, I shared...

Surfside Sunset

My recent posts… For The Miracles Dec 2, 2021Hanukka is all about the miracles: Jews’ victory over the many forces of Hellenism, reclaiming and rededicating the Temple, the oil. Hunting Nov 29, 2021Some Writes ago, a few months into Covid conditions, I shared...

It Goes So Fast

My recent posts… For The Miracles Dec 2, 2021Hanukka is all about the miracles: Jews’ victory over the many forces of Hellenism, reclaiming and rededicating the Temple, the oil. Hunting Nov 29, 2021Some Writes ago, a few months into Covid conditions, I shared...

Good for the Heart

My recent posts… It Can Be Hard to Say Farewell Oct 1, 2021Hallel is the collection of Psalms that we add to our morning services on Rosh Chodesh, the three major festivals and Chanuka. Kol Nidrei 5782 Sep 24, 2021My recent posts...No Guarantees My heart pounded...