
Some Writes ago, a few months into Covid conditions, I shared that I’d started jogging (not-yet-running). My excursions often take place in the early morning hours, any time between about 2:30 and 5:30. Out for 20 minutes or so, a quick shower and back to bed for some astonishingly deep enriching sleep before getting up in time for 7:30 morning minyan on Zoom.

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Blessed Day

The other week, twice within the space of an hour, I was gifted these parting words: “Have a blessed day.” One came from a part-time deacon working at the community food bank, the other from a person pumping gas at Sunoco.

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Kol Nidrei 5782

My recent posts...No Guarantees My heart pounded as our four-year-old racing along the sidewalk on her big wheels. I worried: would she turn the corner or end up in the middle of the street? I can’t watch! She made the turn. Whew! She always made the turn. Yet my...

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TV or Not TV

My recent posts...leven days and counting. On that Thursday evening, Ellie and I did the final clearing, cleaning, toy locating and bed-making for four of our grandkids and their parents who would be arriving on Sunday. And for their aunt getting...

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The Holidays Are Coming

Around this time one year, “The holidays are coming!” was the headline on an ad for a Jewish-style restaurant/caterer. It’s a brilliant line, because, especially from the Jewish perspective, there’s ALWAYS a holiday (holy day, commemoration, etc.) coming!

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Hearing Eicha / Lamentations

Every art medium — from music to oratory, sculpting to calligraphy — requires negative spaces. Pauses, rests, breaths, openings, unpainted areas add nuance, definition; without them, there would be much less there.

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Bayside Bash

Months before her installation as Shirat Hayam’s new president, Karen Pollock, started planning a community block party at our shul. The Bayside Bash, an outdoor festival, is meant to promote our vitality and our location, to introduce ourselves to those who don’t yet know us and to give everyone a fun afternoon.

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Surfside Sunset

The New York Times has been delayed this week, meaning that we get yesterday’s news tomorrow. I mentioned that, when I was a teenager, I discovered that you could get the Sunday NY Times on Saturday night — tomorrow’s news today?! How could they know?

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It Goes So Fast

Ellie and I got to spend too little time with each of our Massachusetts families (delightful), and we played tourist in Boston for a couple of days (recommended). And it goes so fast, yes, it does!

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Good for the Heart

More than a year and a half since we were able to hug and kiss our grandchildren. Until today!

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