Attacks on Jews

Israel and Hamas are, at this writing, holding to a cease-fire. Israel is expected to negotiate with Hamas. Could there be anything more challenging?

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Baby’s first

Rockets were heading toward Jerusalem, air raid sirens sounded. The adults grabbed some snacks and toys for Or and headed to the hallway that served as a (relatively) safe space in the apartment building. It was “baby’s first” air raid!

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Counting Omer

Torah tells us to count seven weeks of seven days from Pesach to Shavuot. Doesn’t tell us why or whether there’s anything we’re to do but count.

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Every Day

My recent posts...יִּקַּח יְיָ אֱ׳לֹהִים אֶת־הָאָדָם וַיַּנִּחֵהוּ בְגַן־עֵדֶן לְעָבְדָהּ וּלְשָׁמְרָהּ he Lord (Adonai) God took the man and placed him in the garden of Eden, to till it and tend it. (Bereisheet / Genesis 2:15) To “tend.” The...

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Names are important to us and they have been so since earliest biblical time

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Our New Normal

I submit that we can never fully revert to or restore what had been our normal. “Normal” is always new because we are constantly changing, every day.

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Countup to Torah

Torah doesn’t give a reason for counting “omer” for the seven weeks between Pesach (second day) and Shavuot. We’re told to count, so we count!

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Remember! Forget!

My recent posts...he Israelites, walking to their Promised Land, are attacked by Amalek, who target the weak and elderly, the stragglers. Is Amalek demoralizing the Israelites by picking off the vulnerable? Perhaps shaming them for not protecting...

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Step into Torah

My recent posts...ount Sinai is aswirl with smoke. In the guise of fire, Adonai descends from above. Smoke rises. The earth trembles. The blare of shofar resounds and rebounds. Moshe speaks, Adonai responds in thunder. Moshe addresses the...

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Singing at the Sea

My recent posts...hirat Hayam, the song at the sea, is a magnificent biblical ode to God's power in freeing the Israelites from Egyptian bondage. It is the centerpiece of this week's Torah reading. In the spirit of song, most of the service this...

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